cheers babe, celebrate like it’s day one!

Let’s take a moment to recognize how far you’ve come. Congratulations on your business! No matter how many months or years you’ve been killing it, I want you to remember day 1. The first day you started your business. Do you remember how exciting it was on that first day? Nobody could stop you! Then day 2 came and day 3 and as the days moved on, the excitement felt different. Do you know what happened? The world pushed you into an entirely different outlook. The responsibilities took over that excitement and somewhere in the journey you lost focus on the ONE thing that mattered the most…YOUR WHY.

You became buried in your business and focused on the day-to-day as we all do. You worried about payroll, paying the bills, and daily tasks that added stress beyond measure. You lost sight of your WHY. Why did you take the big leap? What got you all fired up to begin with?

Amazon calls this, “THE DAY 1 MENTALITY.” Jeff Bezos lives this everyday in his company. It’s actually apart of Amazon’s mantra. Google it…you’ll be glad you did. Basically, let’s live everyday like it’s DAY 1.

If you live everyday like it’s Day 1, you stay focused on your WHY and you make better decisions. You stay focused on solving your customer’s problems. You keep that beautiful smile that you started with and nothing, I mean nothing destroys that glow.

Cheers Babe, celebrate like it’s day 1. You deserve it.




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